Welcome to The 20th International Conference on NIR

NIR Spectral Analyzer

Price Range:JPY 6,500,000.00-  ~



Production Place:Japan

NIR Spectral Analyzer A8850

Near Infrared (NIR) spectral analyzer was developed based on our over 40 years of accumulated sales experience. It provides the features required for laboratory analysis and has been perfected with our proprietary technology. Various features, such as the sampling system that meets the diverse demands of measurement in laboratories, deliver excellent cost performance and top-class capabilities.

The wide-scan monochromator with its large diffraction grating enables high-quality spectroscopic measurements in the wavelength range of 400-2500nm. In addition, the sample box is equipped with an XY-movable multi-purpose stage for flexible measurement methods linked to the spectroscopic measurements.

The concept of the instrument are High performance, high instrument compatibility and multi-purpose applications.


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